Viewing the Certificate in the Browser
Certificates enable encrypted connections between servers and the user's internet browser. Thanks to certification authorities that verify certificate applicants, users can check in their browser whether the server they are communicating with is genuinely the one it claims to be.
On secure websites using trusted SSL certificates, users are not bothered by any untrustworthiness warnings. Most browsers display information about secure transmission using a lock icon, which, when clicked, provides additional important information and details. Additionally, the address of the page includes the letter "s" in the protocol (e.g.,

Information and Details of the SSL Certificate
Internet browsers indicate visits to secure sites with an icon, and in the case of EV certificates, also by a green address bar. If we want to learn more about the SSL certificate, we need to click the lock, where basic information about the SSL certificate (domain, company, certification authority, type of encryption) will be displayed. The full details of the certificate are subsequently available in a link to the details. Here all the information about the SSL certificate is available. Depending on the browser type, certificate details are displayed in several tabs, and records can be easily browsed.