Entrust Certificates Will Lose Trust in Chrome Starting November 1, 2024, We Recommend Switching to DigiCert

(July 4, 2024) Entrust certificates will lose trust in Chrome starting November 1, 2024, and we recommend switching to DigiCert. Chrome will no longer trust new Entrust certificates and will display a security error. You can renew your existing certificates with DigiCert and get up to a 15% discount!

Google Chrome Will Stop Trusting Entrust

Entrust will not be trusted in Chrome

Google has announced that starting October 31, 2024, its Chrome browser will no longer trust newly issued certificates from Entrust. This means that certificates issued after this date will not work in Chrome, and the browser will display an error on sites using them. Given Chrome's approximately 65% market share, this issue needs to be addressed promptly.

Google states that long-term issues with Entrust's adherence to standards and security incidents have led to a decline in trust in their certificates. Detailed information can be found on the official Google Security blog.

Switch to DigiCert and Get Up to a 15% Discount

It no longer makes sense to buy new certificates from CA Entrust, so switch to DigiCert with our assistance. Depending on the level of verification of the new certificate, you can get up to a 15% discount on a new DigiCert certificate.

More information can be found on the dedicated page.

SSLmarket is the Best Partner for DigiCert

We are a reliable partner in the field of internet security and TLS certificates. We will help you with a smooth transition and ensure that your websites always meet the highest security standards. If you have any questions or need assistance, our team of experts is at your disposal. Contact us and we will be happy to help you.