The certificate detail in Chrome is back
Aug 28, 2017 | Jindřich Zechmeister
The option to display the detail of the SSL/TLS certificate on a website had been incomprehensibly removed by Google Chrome. Version 60 will bring an improvement, but in order to view the details, the feature needs to be activated first in the hidden browser settings.
The certificate detail has returned
For the previous version of the browser Chrome, Google removed the window showing the information about the SSL certificate. If you wanted to view them, you had to search for it in the developer tools, which can be found under the key F12. Now in Chrome 60, the certificate details can be found in their usual spot - under the symbol of the green padlock “View Site Information”. However, this feature is not a default setting - it needs to be activated in order to show the details by default. Into the address bar of your browser, paste chrome://flags/#show-cert-link and enable the feature “Show certificate link”.
TLS certificate specialist
Certificated Sales Expert Plus
e-mail: jindrich.zechmeister(at)